What are we all about?
The main music you will hear is swinging groovy jazz. Styles will range from Louis Armstrong to Bill Doggett. You are also going to enounter some funk and soul and for sure R&B. The main restriction to music we make is the tempo of the songs. No music whether performed by a band or played by a DJ will be faster than 180 bpm. We value expression through dancing, creatitivy of both leaders and followers, a playfull exchange within the dancing couple and connection to the music. All those things we see achieved more often when we don’t have to hustle through a 200+ bpm tempo.
Our instructors are all skilled in various Dance Styles under the Swing Dance Umbrella, and beyond. Since we focus on social dancing to the music, classes will pick up the topic und you’ll get knowledge and material on how to dance in symbiosis with the music, interact with your partner and explore new ways of dancing. Be prepared for some otherwise in Europe hard to catch content in the Sampler classes like Carolina Shag, D.C. Hand Dance and Texas Shuffle!
We highly value the social aspect of swing dancing, and sometimes we find that can get lost surrounded by contests. We also want to make sure there is enough room for mingling with your friends, meeting new people and dancing your butt off without being constantly interupted by performances, contests or teacher introductions (those things are also cool, but we just wanna focus on something different).
Vienna is the homebase of many of our organizers, so we wanted to invite folks to come visit us. Apart from that, Vienna is voted the most livable city of the world, has numerous sights you can go visit and an accessable & affordable public transport system which brings you around in no time! Vienna is also located in the heart of Europe and well conected by train, bus or plane. It is known for its richness in music, arts, architecture and culture.
Since we believe that there should be equal access to dance events for everyone regardless of their financial/social situation, we have some options like a payment plan or scolarship passes. We also have limited volunteer spaces. Please fell free to reach out to us so we can find a solution that allows you to participate.
Since Lindy and other swing dances were danced all across the United States, they evolved indepeendtly. And as the music changed into swingin’ R&B the dances changed with it. Same thing when soul and funk came around. All these dances (and music) are connected, related. We value and enjoy this connective part of Black American Partner dancing, and hopefully you will too.